class GSL::PolyDD


PolyDD class represents divided difference representation of polinomial

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Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Array(Float64), ya : Array(Float64)) #

Constructs PolyDD that have values ya at points #xa

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Class Method Detail

def self.new_hermite(xa : Array(Float64), ya : Array(Float64), dya : Array(Float64)) #

Constructs PolyDD that have values ya at points #xa and also derivates dya

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Instance Method Detail

def dd : Slice(Float64) #

array of divided-differences.

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def eval(x) #

Evaluates polinomial value at given point

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def size #

length of divided-differences (order of polinomial+1)

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def to_taylor(xp) #

Converts to Poly that is taylor expansion of polinomial at point xp

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def xa : Slice(Float64) #

array of x points

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