class GSL::Poly


Poly class represents polinomial c0+c1x+c2x*x+...

See Also PolyDD for divided difference representation

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

Creates polynomial from array of coefficients

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : Poly) #

compare coefficients with another polynomial

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def coeffs : Array(Float64) #

Returns coefficients of polynomial

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def diff #

differentiate polynomial

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def eval(x : Float64) : Float64 #

Returns value of polinomial at point x

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def eval(x : Complex) : Complex #

Returns complex value of polinomial at complex point x

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def eval_derivs(x : Float64) : Array(Float64) #

Returns array containing value at given point and all derivatives at this point.

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def integrate #

integrate polynomial

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def solve : Array(Float64) #

Returns sorted array containing real roots of polinomial. Roots of higher order will be returned as separate roots

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def solve_complex : Array(Complex) #

Returns array containing complex roots of polinomial. Always returns @coeffs.size-1 number of roots.

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def solve_distinct(tolerance = 1e-9) : Array(Float64) #

Returns sorted array containing real roots of polinomial. Roots that differs less then tolerance will be returned as one root

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