class LA::GeneralMatrix(T)


generic matrix, heap-allocated

Data are stored in column-major as this is a storage used by LAPACK

See SUPPORTED_TYPES for supported types

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class LA::Matrix(T)

*(k : Number)
*(k : Complex)
*(m : Matrix(T))
, **(other : Int) **, +(k : Number)
+(k : Complex)
+(m : Matrix(T))
, -(k : Number | Complex)
-(m : Matrix(T))
, /(k : Number | Complex) /, ==(other) ==, [](i : Int32, j : Int32)
[](arows : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil), acolumns : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil))
[](row : Int32, acolumns : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil))
[](arows : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil), column : Int32)
, []=(i : Int32, j : Int32, value)
[]=(arows : Range(Int32, Int32), acolumns : Range(Int32, Int32), value)
[]=(row : Int32, acolumns : Range(Int32, Int32), value)
[]=(nrows : Range(Int32, Int32), column : Int32, value)
, add(m : Matrix, *, alpha = 1, beta = 1) add, add!(k : Number, m : Matrix) add!, almost_eq(other : Matrix(T), eps)
almost_eq(other : Matrix(T))
, assume!(flag : MatrixFlags, value : Bool = true) assume!, balance(*, permute = true, scale = true, separate = false) balance, cat(other : Matrix(T), axis : Axis) cat, cholesky(*, lower = false, dont_clean = false) cholesky, chop(eps = self.tolerance) chop, clear_flags clear_flags, columns columns, conjt conjt, conjt! conjt!, conjtranspose conjtranspose, coshm coshm, cosm cosm, det det, detect(aflags : MatrixFlags = MatrixFlags::All, eps = tolerance) detect, detect?(aflags : MatrixFlags = MatrixFlags::All, eps = tolerance) detect?, diag(offset = 0) diag, each(*, all = false, &) each, each_index(*, all = false, &) each_index, each_lower(*, diagonal = true, all = false, &) each_lower, each_upper(*, diagonal = true, all = false, &) each_upper, each_with_index(*, all = false, &) each_with_index, eigs(*, left = false)
eigs(*, need_left : Bool, need_right : Bool)
eigs(*, b : self, need_left = false, need_right = false)
, eigvals eigvals, flags : MatrixFlags flags, hcat(other) hcat, hessenberg
hessenberg(*, calc_q = false)
, inspect(io) inspect, inv inv, kron(b : Matrix(T)) kron, lq lq, lq_r lq_r, lu lu, lu_factor : LUMatrix(T) lu_factor, map(&) map, map!(&) map!, map_with_index(&) map_with_index, map_with_index!(&) map_with_index!, max(axis : Axis) max, min(axis : Axis) min, ncolumns : Int32 ncolumns, norm(kind : MatrixNorm = MatrixNorm::Frobenius) norm, nrows : Int32 nrows, pinv pinv, product(axis : Axis) product, ql ql, ql_r ql_r, qr(*, pivoting = false) qr, qr_r(*, pivoting = false) qr_r, qr_raw(*, pivoting = false) qr_raw, qz(b : self) qz, reduce(axis : Axis, initial, &) reduce, repmat(arows, acolumns) repmat, rows rows, rq rq, rq_r rq_r, save_csv(filename) save_csv, scale!(k : Number | Complex) scale!, schur schur, shape shape, shape_str shape_str, sinhm sinhm, sinm sinm, size : Tuple(Int32, Int32) size, solve(b : self)
solve(b : GeneralMatrix(T), *, overwrite_b = false)
, square? square?, sum(axis : Axis) sum, svd svd, svdvals svdvals, t t, t! t!, tanhm tanhm, tanm tanm, to_custom(io, prefix, columns_separator, rows_separator, postfix)
to_custom(prefix, columns_separator, rows_separator, postfix)
, to_general to_general, to_imag to_imag, to_matlab(io)
, to_real to_real, to_s(io) to_s, to_unsafe to_unsafe, tolerance tolerance, trace trace, transpose transpose, tril(k = 0) tril, tril!(k = 0) tril!, triu(k = 0) triu, triu!(k = 0) triu!, vcat(other) vcat

Class methods inherited from class LA::Matrix(T)

arange(start_val : T, end_val : T, delta = 1.0) arange, block_diag(*args) block_diag, circulant(c) circulant, column(values) column, companion(a) companion, dft(n, scale : DFTScale = DFTScale::None) dft, diag(nrows, ncolumns, value : Number | Complex)
diag(nrows, ncolumns, values)
diag(nrows, ncolumns, &)
, eye(n) eye, fiedler(values) fiedler, from_custom(str : String, prefix, columns_separator, rows_separator, postfix)
from_custom(io, prefix, columns_separator, rows_separator, postfix)
, from_matlab(s) from_matlab, hadamard(n) hadamard, hankel(column : Indexable | Matrix, row : Indexable | Matrix | Nil = nil) hankel, helmert(n, full = false) helmert, hilbert(n) hilbert, identity(n) identity, invhilbert(n) invhilbert, invpascal(n, kind : PascalKind = PascalKind::Symmetric) invpascal, kron(a, b) kron, leslie(f, s) leslie, load_csv(filename) load_csv, ones(nrows, ncolumns) ones, pascal(n, kind : PascalKind = PascalKind::Symmetric) pascal, rand(nrows, ncolumns, rng = Random::DEFAULT) rand, repmat(a : Matrix(T), nrows, ncolumns) repmat, row(values) row, toeplitz(column : Indexable | Matrix, row : Indexable | Matrix | Nil = nil) toeplitz, tri(nrows, ncolumns, k = 0) tri, zeros(nrows, ncolumns) zeros

Macros inherited from class LA::Matrix(T)

lapack(name, *args, worksize = nil) lapack, lapack_util(name, worksize, *args) lapack_util

Instance methods inherited from module Enumerable(T)

product(initial : Complex)
product(initial : Complex, &)

Constructor Detail

def : Int32, ncolumns : Int32, values : Indexable, col_major = false, flags : LA::MatrixFlags = MatrixFlags::None) #

Creates matrix with given size and populate elements from values

if col_major is true, values content is just copied to #raw, otherwise a conversion from row-major form is performed Example:

values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
a =, 2, values)
a.to_aa # => [[1,2],[3,4]]
b =, 2, values, col_major: true)
b.to_aa # => [[1,3],[2,4]]

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def : Int32, ncolumns : Int32, flags : LA::MatrixFlags = MatrixFlags::None) #

Creates zero-initialized matrix of given size


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def : Int32, ncolumns : Int32, flags : LA::MatrixFlags = MatrixFlags::None, &) #

Creates matrix of given size and then call block to initialize each element

Example:,4){|i,j| i+j }

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def : Indexable) #

Creates matrix from any Indexable of Indexables


m =[
  [1, 2, 3],
  [4, 5, 6],
  [7, 8, 9],
  [10, 11, 12],

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def : Matrix) #

Creates matrix with same content as another matrix

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Class Method Detail

def self.[](*args) #

Alias for #new

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def self.columns(*args) #

Creates matrix from a number of columns


a = GMat.columns([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8])
a.to_aa # => [[1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7], [4, 8]]

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def self.diag(nrows, ncolumns, values) #

Returns diagonal matrix of given size with diagonal elements taken from array values

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def self.diag(nrows, ncolumns, &) #

Returns diagonal matrix of given size with diagonal elements equal to block value

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def self.rows(*args) #

Creates matrix from a number of rows


a = GMat.rows([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8])
a.to_aa # => [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) #

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def abs(kind : MatrixNorm = MatrixNorm::Frobenius) #

Alias for #norm

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def add!(m : Matrix, *, alpha = 1, beta = 1) #

Perform inplace linear combination with matrix m a.add!(m, alpha: alpha, beta: beta) is equal to a = alpha * a + beta * m, but faster as no new matrix is allocated

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def add_mult(a, b : Matrix(T), *, alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0) #

performs c = alphaab + beta*c (BLAS routines gemm/symm/hemm)

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def balance!(*, permute = true, scale = true, separate = false) #

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def cat!(other : Matrix(T), dimension) #

Concatenate matrix adding another matrix by dimension Axis::Rows (horizontal) or Axis::Columns (vertical)

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def cho_solve(b : self, *, overwrite_b = false) #

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def cholesky!(*, lower = false, dont_clean = false) #

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def clone #

returns copy of matrix

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def conjtranspose! #

Conjurgate transposes matrix inplace

Currently, transpose of non-square matrix still allocates temporary buffer

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def det(*, overwrite_a = false) #

Calculates determinant for a square matrix

if overwrite_a is true, a will be overriden in process of calculation

Uses getrf LAPACK routine

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def dup #

returns copy of matrix

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def eigs(*, left = false, overwrite_a = false) #

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def eigs(*, need_left : Bool, need_right : Bool, overwrite_a = false) #

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def eigs(*, b : GeneralMatrix(T), need_left : Bool, need_right : Bool, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false) #

generalized eigenvalues problem

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def eigvals(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def expm(*, schur_fact = false) #

Computes matrix exponential

It exploits triangularity (if any) of A. if schur_fact is true, function uses an initial transformation to Schur form.

Reference: A. H. Al-Mohy and N. J. Higham, A New Scaling and Squaring Algorithm for the Matrix Exponential, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 31(3): 970-989, 2009. Awad H. Al-Mohy and Nicholas J. Higham, April 20, 2010.

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def flags : MatrixFlags #

Matrix flags (see MatrixFlags for description)

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def flags=(flags : MatrixFlags) #

Matrix flags (see MatrixFlags for description)

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def hcat!(other) #

Concatenate matrix adding another matrix horizontally (so they form a row)

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def hessenberg! #

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def hessenberg!(*, calc_q = false) #

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def inv! #

Calculate matrix inversion inplace Method selects optimal algorithm depending on MatrixFlags transpose returned if matrix is orthogonal trtri is used if matrix is triangular potrf, potri are used if matrix is positive definite hetrf, hetri are used if matrix is hermitian sytrf, sytri are used if matrix is symmetric getrf, getri are used otherwise

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def lq(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def lq_r(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def lstsq(b : self, method : LSMethod = LSMethod::Auto, *, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false, cond = -1) #

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def lu(*, overwrite_a = false) #

Compute pivoted LU decomposition of a matrix

If you call p,l,u = for a matrix m*n a then

  • p will be m*m permutation matrix
  • l will be m*k lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal. K = min(M, N)
  • u will be k*n upper triangular matrix
  • (p*l*u) will be equal to a (within calculation tolerance)

if overwrite_a is true, a will be overriden in process of calculation

Uses getrf LAPACK routine

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def lu_factor! : LUMatrix(T) #

Compute pivoted LU decomposition of a matrix and returns it in a compact form, useful for solving linear equation systems.

Overrides source matrix in a process of calculation

Uses getrf LAPACK routine

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def ncolumns : Int32 #

Count of columns in matrix

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def norm(kind : MatrixNorm = MatrixNorm::Frobenius) #

returns matrix norm

kind defines type of norm

Uses LAPACK routines lantr, lanhe, lansy, lange depending on matrix #flags

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def nrows : Int32 #

Count of rows in matrix

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def ql(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def ql_r(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def qr(*, overwrite_a = false, pivoting = false) #

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def qr_r(*, overwrite_a = false, pivoting = false) #

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def qr_raw(*, overwrite_a = false, pivoting = false) #

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def qz(b : self, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false) #

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def rank(eps = self.tolerance, *, method : RankMethod = RankMethod::SVD, overwrite_a = false) #

determine effective rank either by SVD method or QR-factorization with pivoting

if overwrite_a is true, a will be overriden in process of calculation

QR method is faster, but could fail to determine rank in some cases

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def raw : Slice(T) #

Pointer to a raw data

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def reshape(anrows, ancolumns, col_major = false) #

Returns a matrix with different nrows and ncolumns but same elements (total number of elements must not change)

if col_major is true, just nrows and ncolumns are changed, data kept the same Otherwise, elements are reordered to emulate row-major storage Example:

a = GMat[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
a.reshape(2, 3).to_aa # => [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]]
b = GMat[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
this is because in-memory order of values is (1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6)
b.reshape(2, 3, col_major: true).to_aa # => [[1.0, 5.0], [4.0, 3.0], [2.0, 6.0]]

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def reshape!(anrows : Int32, ancolumns : Int32, col_major = false) #

Changes nrows and ncolumns of matrix (total number of elements must not change)

if col_major is true, just nrows and ncolumns are changed, data kept the same Otherwise, elements are reordered to emulate row-major storage Example:

a = GMat[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
a.reshape!(2, 3)
a.to_aa # => [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]]
b = GMat[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
b.reshape!(2, 3, col_major: true)
this is because in-memory order of values is (1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6)
b.to_aa # => [[1.0, 5.0], [4.0, 3.0], [2.0, 6.0]]

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def resize!(anrows : Int32, ancolumns : Int32) #

Change number of rows and columns in matrix.

if new number is higher zero elements are added, if new number is lower, exceeding elements are lost

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def rq(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def rq_r(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def schur(*, overwrite_a = false) #

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def solve(b : self, *, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false) #

Solves matrix equation self*x = b and returns x

Method returns matrix of same size as b

Matrix must be square, number of rows must match b

if overwrite_a is true, a will be overriden in process of calculation

if overwrite_b is true, b will be overriden in process of calculation

Uses LAPACK routines trtrs, posv, hesv, sysv, gesv depending on matrix #flags

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def solvels(b : self, *, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false, cond = -1) #

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def svd(*, overwrite_a = false) #

Calculates singular value decomposition for a matrix

If you call u,s,vt = a.svd for a matrix m*n a then

  • u will be m*m matrix
  • s will be Array(T) with size equal to {m, n}.min
  • vt will be n*n matrix
  • (u*Mat.diag(a.nrows, a.ncolumns, s)*vt) will be equal to a (within calculation tolerance)

if overwrite_a is true, a will be overriden in process of calculation

Uses gesdd LAPACK routine

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def svdvals(*, overwrite_a = false) #

Calculates array of singular values for a matrix

if overwrite_a is true, a will be overriden in process of calculation

Uses gesdd LAPACK routine

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def to_a(col_major = false) #

Converts matrix to plain array of elements if col_major is true, elements are returned as stored inplace, otherwise row-major storage is emulated

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def to_aa(col_major = false) #

Converts matrix to array of array of elements if col_major is true, elements are returned as stored inplace, otherwise row-major storage is emulated Example:

a = GMat[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
a.to_aa                  # => [[1.0, 2.0],[3.0, 4.0]]
a.to_aa(col_major: true) # => [[1.0, 3.0],[2.0, 4.0]]

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def to_unsafe #

Returns pointer to raw data, suitable to e.g. use with LAPACK

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def tr_mult!(a : Matrix(T), *, alpha = 1.0, left = false) #

performs b = alphaab or b = alphaba (BLAS routine trmm)

a must be a square triangular GeneralMatrix(T)

if left is true, alpha*a*b is calculated, otherwise alpha*b*a

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def transpose! #

transposes matrix inplace

Currently, transpose of non-square matrix still allocates temporary buffer

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def unsafe_fetch(i, j) #

returns element at row i and column j, without performing any checks

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def unsafe_set(i, j, value) #

sets element at row i and column j to value, without performing any checks

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def vcat!(other) #

Concatenate matrix adding another matrix vertically (so they form a column)

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